Building Futures
New Book – Don t Buy Multi Family!  BUILD IT

New Book – Don t Buy Multi Family! BUILD IT

Here in Chicago, we see big developers putting up new high rise apartments towers, condos and office buildings like crazy right now.

There’s incredible pent up demand for new construction and when you combine that with historically low interest rates, you have a perfect climate to build new projects.

My new book Don’t Buy Multi-Family! BUILD IT tells investors how they can join the party and why now is the best time ever to do it!

I see so many people trying to invest in multi family income property right now, only to find that they are just not interested in any of the properties that are on the market. There is more and more competition to buy properties that are really marginal investments at best.

I’ve been in real estate and development for 35 years now and I’ve never seen a better time for investors to build new construction investment properties.

This book will show you how to do it. There’s a link below to get the book on Amazon.

And If you’re an ebook reader, there’s even a special $1.99 intro price on the ebook right now!

If you subscribe to follow this channel, In the coming days and weeks, I’ll be posting videos with more detailed information and examples from the book to show you how to find and recognize a great investment deal when you see one!

If you have more specific questions, you can reply here, or refer to our web site


Compare – Buy New House vs Buy Re-Sale vs Build Custom House

Compare – Buy New House vs Buy Re-Sale vs Build Custom House

From the new book release:

Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT,

We’ll compare investing in Purchasing a New Construction House from a builder vs Buying a Newer Re-Sale House vs Building Your Own Custom Home.

You can adjust the parameters as you like, but I think you’ll be surprised to see how the numbers will work out for you when you sell your new home a few years down the line.

You can find:

Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT

on Amazon:

There’s a special price on the ebook this month. It’s a short read, but will give you a lot of great information and an eye opening perspective on building your own home.

Please post a review on Amazon. Your feedback is really appreciated.

If you have questions or want more info you can also check out:

Save 10-15% on Your New House!

Save 10-15% on Your New House!

My new book was just released, it’s called:

Don’t Buy a New House, BUILD IT.

Yesterday I said that this is the best time I’ve ever seen to build your own custom house and I mentioned that you’ll save 10-15% or more compared to buying a new house that a builder built on spec.

Why? Let’s look at how the numbers work. Suppose you are able to find & buy a new construction house that a builder just built. and let’s say you purchase it for $1.3M.

In order to build that house, the builder had to purchase the lot (probably a tear down) and put up maybe about $300,000 of their own cash to get the construction loan to build it. The builder’s cash has been tied up for at least a year til the house is sold.

At closing, the builder pays commissions and closing costs of about 7% right off the top. That’s about $91,000. And to keep it simple, let’s suppose that the builder makes a profit of 7% on the sale, that’s another $91,000.

Now 7% of sales is not a very big margin considering all the work that goes into it. The builder would certainly be targeting a profit closer to twice that. But let’s just say the builder makes only a 7% profit. By you building that same house yourself, you would save the 7% closing costs and 7% profits that are built into the builder’s selling price.

That’s 14% savings for you right off the top! In this example, that’s $182,000 of instant equity the day you move in.

You might even get the same builder to build it for you. This is a win/win for both of you. They can make money building for you at the same time they can invest their money into building another spec house.

In the book, I explain more about how the whole process works. It pays to understand the numbers! There is a link below to get the book on Amazon.

It’s a quick read, but gives you a lot of insight and all the steps to get started.

If you read the book, I’d appreciate it if you could review it on Amazon. Your feedback would really be helpful.

If you follow or subscribe to this channel, I’ll be going into more or the specifics of how it all works.

Let me know if you have questions.


Don’t Buy a New House!  BUILD IT

Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT

Hey, After some last minute revisions, my new book was just released!

It’s called:

Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT

You know, the last couple of years, I’ve seen so many people struggling to find a new house , and I wanted to show them how they can build their own custom house. In fact, a couple days ago, i shared a post from Bob Villa talking about why you might want to build your own NEW house right now.

I know a lot of people may have never even considered the possibility of building themselves, but Bob definitely has the right idea!

I built my own first new home about 25 years ago now. and looking back, it was really a life changing experience for me, so that’s what inspired me to write this book.

I’ve never seen a better time for someone to build their own custom house. You get exactly the house you want and if you follow the method I talk about in the book, it’ll be a really great experience for you and you’ll save 10-15% or more compared to what you’d pay for the same house that a builder builds and sells on spec.

So on a million dollar house, that’s $100 – $150 thousand dollars!

Of course it’s going to take some work on your part, but hey, that’s a lot of equity to start out with!

And It’s really not that hard There are a lot of great professionals out there who will be happy to help you do it, That’s what they get paid for!

So If this sounds like something that you might want to learn more about, Grab a copy of the book on Amazon. Because it was just released, the kindle version is starting at only $.99 just for this month.

It’s not a big book, it’s a short read, but there’s a lot of great information.

If you read the book, I’d really appreciate it if you could take a minute to leave a review on Amazon. It will really help me to get your feedback.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be talking about more specifics from the book like lending programs, finding your site and the whole construction process. so please follow or subscribe to this channel so we can keep you in the loop.

And if there is something that you’d like me to talk about in more detail, just let me know.


Hybrid Work Brings New Office Paradigm

Hybrid Work Brings New Office Paradigm

Hybrid work is the buzz phrase right now in HR and recruiting. And of course, a lot of us are spending time working from home now but to employees, hybrid means they want flexibility in their schedule. Rather than a fixed schedule where it’s like, okay on these days you come into the office and these days you work from home, they want to be able to come and go when they want. Hiring talented people is very challenging right now in almost every industry. Much like in real estate, we have a sellers market for job seekers and employers are finding that they need to step up their game in order to attract top talent and that means to provide the right work environment. People in the workforce now are expecting to be treated like adults who are capable of making good decisions about when they need to be in the office and when they can get more done at home or from another remote location. Top companies, those are the ones that win awards for best places to work and things like that, they realize that a good hire is going to thrive with this flexibility and that that’s the person that they want to hire for the growth of their company. If you’re interested in investing or building, developing for yourself, even if it’s in a small way, it’s really important to understand the deeper trends that are driving the market. And just like in trading stocks or anything else, profits are made by riding that wave of the trend and that’s the way you do it.