Mistake to Pay Cash for Your New House?
More people are paying cash for their homes now!
We’re seeing some people who would really like to find a brand new home settling for an older house in order to keep it within their cash purchasing budget.
A cash offer is much more likely to be accepted In a multiple offer scenario.
So if you have the cash, it seems like a great strategy; But here, we’ll look at the numbers to see how this investment’s going to play out for you in the long run.
When you really look at your home purchase as an investment and compare the returns, It’s just crazy not to strongly consider building your own new custom house.
So get my new book: Don’t Buy a New Home! Build IT and learn how to do it.
✅ Get New Book on Amazon: Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09PRTVBMH/
✅ Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/rogerluri

Invest in Multi Family Without a Tool Belt?
So you’ve decided you want to invest in multi family properties, but you don’t want to put on a tool belt and be the handyman.
That’s the whole point of my new book:
Don’t Buy Multi-Family! BUILD IT
Whether it’s an owner occupied 3 unit, or a bigger investment property, any apartment building you buy is going to need some work. If it’s in great condition, the price will be so high that you can’t make any money on it.
What people don’t realize is that they can own a brand new investment properties and get great returns by building their own new construction buildings.
And you don’t need to be a contractor. In fact most developers are not. There are plenty of professionals out there who are ready to help you do it.
If you’re just starting out with a smaller owner occupied building, you’ll get yourself a great new home and an income stream to help pay down your mortgage without the headaches of owning an older building that constantly needs work.
Right now, there’s huge demand for new construction units and rents are at all time highs. That’s why you see big developers putting up high rise rental buildings just as fast as they can right now.
And that’s why you should follow their lead!
My new book:
Don’t Buy Multi-Family! BUILD IT
is a short read, but it will show you how you can get started building new multifamily properties.
Today I’m giving away a few free ebooks from the link below.
If you’ve been looking at buying older properties, Check it out.
You’ll learn a much better way invest in income properties.
Once you understand the numbers, you’ll never think of buying older properties again.
✅ Download FREE eBook: https://LD2development.com
✅ Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/rogerluri
✅ Let’s connect: YouTube: https://bit.ly/LD2YouTube
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ld2-development/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LD2Development/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ld2development/

Multi-Family Syndicator’s Secret for Great Returns
So what is the multi-family syndicator’s secret to great returns?
Well, any multi family property you buy is going to need some work. If it’s in great condition, the price will be so high that you can’t make any money on it.
If you can buy it at a good price, it’s because it needs work to bring the rents up. So you’ll need to do some big renovations before you see any returns.
This strategy is what multi-family Investors call: ‘Value Add” and this is how most of the successful syndicators make money on their multi-family investments.
The trick is that when you do a substantial renovation, you’re making a profit on the improvements that you’ve made to your new property, in other words on the construction that you’ll be doing to fix it up.
That construction is how you bring the rental income of your new property up.
But your profit shows up not only as higher income, but also as a bump up in your equity as soon as construction is complete and the income stream is stabilized.
In other words, if you’ve done it right, the property is now worth much more than the total of your acquisition cost and improvements and that’s because of the value of the work that you put into it, right?
What most people don’t realize is that building new construction income property is the Ultimate “Value Add” strategy.
Because the entire property is new, you’re maxing out the amount of improvements and you are also maxing out the income because new construction units always command top rents.
So by building a new construction building, you’re maximizing this bump up in equity that you get as soon as your property is completed and the rental income is stabilized.
On top of that, Brand new units attract the best tenants and rent quickly for top rents. Right now, there’s huge demand for new construction units and rents are at all time highs.
This is why you see big developers putting up high rises and big multi-family buildings just as fast as they can right now and that’s why you should follow their lead!
My new book:
Don’t Buy Multi-Family! BUILD IT
is on Amazon now, but if you’re watching this, there is a link in the text below to get a Free eBook Download.
It’s a short read, but it will show you how you can get started building and owning brand new income properties.
✅ Download Free Ebook: https://LD2development.com
✅ Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/rogerluri
✅ Let’s connect:
YouTube: https://bit.ly/LD2YouTube
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ld2-development/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LD2Development/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ld2development/

Trick to SAVE BIG $$ on Your New Custom Home!
So how can you build a brand new custom home affordably?
That’s really what my new book; Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT Is all about. It gives you the builder’s perspective and shows you how to take advantage of that.
When you see a builder build a brand new house on spec (spec just means she or he is putting up the money to build it and planning to sell it for a profit when complete). They make a lot of choices; where to build, the style of the house, size and floor plan, construction methods, finishes and everything else.
If you want to build a house affordably and save money as I show you how to do in the book, The first important choice you’ll make is choosing your builder. (I devote a whole chapter to this in the book to show you how to go about it).
You want to find a builder who has experience building spec homes in your price range and preferably also in higher price brackets. You also need to be able to trust them and value their opinion.
An experienced builder has a good sense of where it will pay to spend a little more money (the things buyers really care about) and where you can choose more affordable alternatives (things buyers care less about) and they can guide you in making the right decisions. They’ve already done it, so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel.
You definitely want to make choices that make your home suit your own tastes and lifestyle and make it uniquely yours, but you want avoid things that might turn off a buyer. Especially if it’s a major thing that is difficult or expensive to change.
Get the book on Amazon and learn how you can get your new house built for you and actually make money on it when you sell! It’s a win-win!
✅ Get New Book on Amazon: Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT
✅ Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/rogerluri