Building Futures
New Construction Multi-Family “Equity Bump” Builds Wealth Fast!

New Construction Multi-Family “Equity Bump” Builds Wealth Fast!

The “equity bump” you get when you build new construction multi-family helps you build equity (and wealth) very quickly in the first couple years of ownership.

There are a lot of reasons why building new construction multi-family properties is much more attractive than buying older properties and my new Book:

Don’t Buy Multi-Family! BUILD IT

goes into all of that, but I think a lot of multi family investors are very focused on cash flow numbers and might not understand how important it is to also look at the equity side of the equation.

So let’s look at a quick example from the book: Here we’ll look at the numbers for a new 4 story building with 3 ~ 1700sf 3 bedroom apartments over a smaller commercial storefront unit.

First we’ll look at the cash flow numbers for the finished project and then we’ll look at the equity position and projected sales returns.

This is where we examine the new construction equity bump that in this example helps us increase our equity by 70% after just the first year of operation! 

Get my new book to Learn More!

Build Wealth by Building Your Own Custom House

Build Wealth by Building Your Own Custom House

Build Wealth by Building Your Own Custom House

I’ve been talking about how you’ll save 10-15% or more by building a new custom home rather than buying a new house that a builder built on spec., so here’s how the numbers work:

In Chicago, when a builder sells a house to you that they built, they have to pay about 7% commissions and closing costs right off the top. If they made only a 7% profit for all their investment, that’s 14% that’s already 14% you’d save by building yourself the same house.

Believe me, the builder is shooting for much more than a 7% profit. Think about it, the builder had to purchase the lot, design the house, build it and sell it. For a smaller house in the city, this process will take a year’s time anyway and they’ll have to invest their own cash (probably about 30% of total costs) to get the construction loan.

If they build the same house for you, they don’t need to take out a loan, there is no construction or market risk for them, so they’ll be happy to do it for a smaller profit.

You save the closing costs, a good chunk of the builders profit and the financing is going be cheaper for you because a loan for your primary residence is less risky for the lender than a spec house. you are getting exactly the custom house you want and you get it at wholesale.

If you do it right, you’ll have built yourself instant equity the day you move in. This equity bump is the game changer that builds wealth for you independent of any market appreciation.

Amazon New Book Release:

Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT 

What’s Your Return on Your Biggest Investment?

What’s Your Return on Your Biggest Investment?

What’s your return on your biggest investment?

Your home might be your biggest investment, so shouldn’t you be earning a good return on that equity?

Suppose you put a 10 or 20% down payment on your new house. And let’s say you sell in 5 years. If market appreciation happens to be low during that period, it might just cover your commissions and closing costs and now you made 0% return on your equity.

My new book “Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT” shows you how you can build your brand new own custom home. And explains that you can save 10-15% or more by having someone build it for you. That’s a lot of equity the day you move in!

Now, suppose instead you put that 10 or 20% down payment toward building your own new custom house. And then you sell in 5 years. And again we assume that appreciation is low during that period and just covers your transaction costs.

If you saved only 10% by building yourself, That’s a 100% return on your 10% down payment, or a 50% return iof you had a 20% down payment. Divide that by 5 years, you’ve made a 10 or 20% annual return on your equity! It’s likely, these numbers will be quite a bit higher, because a new house is very likely to appreciate more in those first 5 years than an older house.

Now we know most people are just not going to want to put in the effort to build their own new custom house. The idea is just outside of their comfort zone.

Yet those same people will go out right now and buy and older home that needs work, And it’s definitely going to need more work over the years they own it! Then they’ll be lucky if they break even when they sell. If they get really lucky, it will appreciate more and they’ll do a bit better.

But instead of starting at zero and hoping for appreciation, Wouldn’t it make more sense to start with a better, brand new house and with a substantial return locked in?

You miss a lot of opportunities by staying in your comfort zone!

My new book: Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT Might help you stretch that comfort zone a bit. It will show you how the numbers work and how to find your site and find the people to help you design, spec and build.

Grab a copy on Amazon and learn how it’s done.


Don’t Buy “Value Add” Deals. Build New Instead!

Don’t Buy “Value Add” Deals. Build New Instead!

With higher inflation numbers, investing in multi-family income properties makes more sense than ever. The problem is that finding a property with good returns is like finding a unicorn.

There is a lot of competition for quality properties and prices are very high, which of course means that returns are very low (in other words, low cap rates).

Properties that are cheaper to buy normally need quite a bit of construction work to re-position them in the market for higher rents.

Most of the big syndicators are buying properties like these, ‘value add” deals that have room for them and their investors to make money.

But if you look around in Chicago and other growing markets, big developers are putting up offices, apartments and condos as fast as they can right now.

Why? Rates are low, rents are at all time highs and demand for new construction units is very high. Now is the time to build new construction!

Why would you want to compete to over pay for an older building and then do a bunch of construction work rehabbing it, only to achieve rents much lower than new construction.

My new book: Don’t Buy Multi Family! BUILD IT will show you how the numbers work and how you can find opportunities to get started building new construction multi-family yourself.

Grab a copy on Amazon and learn how it’s done. 

2 New Books!?

2 New Books!?

Probably releasing 2 new books in the same month is not the best strategy, but hey, what can I say!

The books are really written for 2 different audiences.

Don’t Buy a New House! BUILD IT

Is written for people who are interested in buying a new house, but are having trouble finding what they want. I wanted to show them that right now is actually a great opportunity for them to take advantage of the best market I’ve ever seen to build their own custom house and how they’ll be creating wealth in the process.

My other book:

Don’t Buy Multi-Family! BUILD IT

Was just released. Is written for investors interested in multi-family income properties who are finding that none of the properties that are on the market now make sense. There is more and more competition to buy properties that are really marginal investments at best.

Meanwhile, developers are putting up new apartment towers, offices and condos as fast as they can build them.

I’ve been in real estate and development for 35 years now and I’ve never seen a better time for investors to build new construction investment properties.

This book will show you can take advantage of it. Here’s a link to get the book on Amazon:

If you subscribe to follow this channel, in the coming days and weeks, I’ll be posting videos with more detailed information and examples from the books.

If you have more specific questions, you can reply here, or refer to our web site